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Unlock the mysteries of physical and chemical earth processes, natural disasters, the reconstruction of our planet’s history, and the use of its resources.

Geology students study samples under microscopes

TCU geology students learn to see the world differently and in deep time, in order to answer some of society’s biggest questions.

Our geology degree programs employ a learner-centered, teacher-scholar model — which means you’ll be participating in research opportunities in the lab and/or field as part of your undergraduate experience.

You’ll get a rock solid foundation in the fundamentals of sub disciplines of geology — including sedimentology and stratigraphy, spatial sciences (GIS/Remote Sensing), geochemistry, and petrology. The critical-thinking skills you develop at TCU will empower you to search for solutions to current and future issues on energy, water, food and climate.

Programs Offered

Sample Courses

  • Understanding the Earth
  • Mineralogy
  • Sedimentology
  • Stratigraphy
  • Paleontology
  • Structural Geology
  • Environmental GIS

Special Admission Requirements

There are no special admissions requirements for this program.

Our Faculty

TCU’s Geology team has researched countless corners of the planet and published scores of books, papers and patents. Their backgrounds include degrees from University of Chicago and University of Southern California, careers in the oil and gas industry, and contributions to programming for The Learning Channel.

What Sets Us Apart

The teacher-scholar philosophy at TCU means professors actively immerse themselves in research--often with involvement of both undergraduate and graduate students. When your teachers are involved scholars themselves, everyone benefits.

You'll be given the opportunities to learn alongside your professors on field studies all over the United States.

At TCU there’s a shared willingness by faculty to collaborate across disciplines in teaching and research. Our goal is for students to build on their new knowledge, making valuable connections between concepts and ideas from different areas of study. This motivates our students to be more creative in their lifelong learning, and enhances the critical thinking skills needed for problem solving in today’s world.

International awareness and cross-cultural understanding are critical to TCU’s mission. Our faculty members are committed to empowering students to broaden their perspectives while addressing the world’s problems. TCU’s international programs inspire, enlighten and prepare Horned Frogs to make positive change for the greater good.

Career Prospects

Many of our graduates go on to work in environmental firms, oil and gas companies, consulting firms, schools, and government agencies. Others have earned advanced degrees in geology at universities such as Duke, MIT and Colorado School of Mines.

Employment of geoscientists, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, is projected to grow 14 percent from 2016 to 2026, faster than the average for all occupations. The need for energy, environmental protection and responsible land and resource management is projected to spur demand for geoscientists in the future.

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